Trade name in Odoo
Would you like to add a separate field for the 'business name' of your contacts in Odoo? Would you like to be able to search for your contacts using this field without it appearing on invoices or other documents?
Many Odoo users use the business name of companies to identify them more easily. To help with this and to further enhance Odoo's filtering and search functions, the OCA (Odoo Community Association) brings us this module,OCA/l10n-spain.
Here are the functionalities of this module:
- Add the field 'Commercial name' to the companies, allowing us to search for it.
- Allows us to define a pattern of the name to be displayed based on the name and trade name of the company.
- Adds the fields long name, NIF and web to the banks.
- Adds the data of the Spanish banks extracted from the official register of the Bank of Spain automatically.
- Allows the validation of Spanish bank accounts.To do so, a country field is added to the bank accounts of the companies and validations are performed when the country is Spain.
How does Odoo validate our bank accounts?
- It checks if the account consists of 20 digits (with or without spaces).
- If it does not, an error of incorrect length is returned.
- If the digits are 20, the two check digits (DC) are calculated and checked to make sure they match the digits entered.
- If the DC does not match, an error that the count is incorrect is returned.
- If the DC is correct, it returns the result in the format "1234 5678 06 1234567890".
Registration of the trade name and configuration of the display name.
We can find the 'Business name' field in the contact file, just below the 'Name' field.
To define the name we want to display for our contacts, access as follows:
Configuration > Technical > Parameters > System parameters. Select the key 'l10n_en_partner.name_pattern'.
Here we could change the default way in which the name parameter is displayed, which would show the business name and the company name.
Default value: (%(business_name)s) %(name)s
Modified value to show only the name: %(name)s
We hope that, if you are not already doing so, you will enjoy this module and its functionalities. .
Trade name in Odoo